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IHC Blog

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Acupuncture

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – CRPS – also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is a chronic progressive condition triggered by nerve injury and characterized by severe pain, inflammation, swelling and changes in the skin affecting arms, legs, hands or feet.  Experts have yet to discover the cause of CRPS, but have learned that injury […]

Acupuncture for Women’s Health

The modern woman is pulled in different directions on a daily basis, whether it’s the demand of work, home, or school. Regardless of what today’s woman is capable of doing, her needs haven’t changed. She could benefit greatly from acupuncture to address the stress, emotional, and hormonal challenges. There’s a natural timeline women experience, from […]

Doctors with a Heart

In the month of February, we will be running a special called Doctors with a Heart. It’s important for us to give back to the community that we serve. We have at least 3 events each year in which we donate to a charity. Past recipients have been Open Doors for Youth, CAER Food Shelf, […]

Acupuncture and Muscle Strains

Strained, overworked muscles are, in up to 80% of cases, the leading cause of all acute and chronic back pain, especially in the lower back.  Muscles create energy and are the indispensable providers of the mechanical leverage that moves bones. Muscles are always in need of sufficient blood circulation to supply energy for movement and […]

Acupuncture for Veterans

Acupuncture is one of the complementary and integrative health approaches within the VHA Whole Health System of care included in VHA Directive 1137 that was published in May 2017.  This allows acupuncture to be covered by the Veteran’s medical benefits package.  Acupuncture is often associated with pain management, but it’s effective for many other conditions, […]

What is cupping?

With the Olympics recently completed, you may have noticed some of the athletes with round marks on their skin that looked like bruises and wondered what those were.  And not just Olympic athletes, many different types of athletes are using the therapy known as cupping. Cupping is an ancient form of therapy that has Greek, […]

The Basics for an Optimal Immune System

We have been getting a lot of questions in the office lately with all the increased talk about Covid-19 variants and vaccines. We are still recommending that the best way for you to fight off ANY bacteria, virus, or fungus is to keep your immune system functioning optimally. Unfortunately, you won’t hear about this if […]

Acupuncture For Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Problems

Acupuncture for the wrist is an effective treatment modality for patients with wrist problems, arthritis and carpal tunnel.  Many studies have confirmed that acupuncture is typically more effective than usual care, including anti-inflammatory medications. Acupuncture can alleviate pain, inflammation, numbness and restore motor dexterity to the affected region.  Many patients report that following acupuncture treatment, […]