Acupuncture is one of the complementary and integrative health approaches within the VHA Whole Health System of care included in VHA Directive 1137 that was published in May 2017. This allows acupuncture to be covered by the Veteran’s medical benefits package.
Acupuncture is often associated with pain management, but it’s effective for many other conditions, and the body of literature is growing. Acupuncture is effective as a stand-alone treatment, or as an adjunctive treatment to other medical or chiropractic interventions.
The VA conducted a systematic review of acupuncture in 2014 and it identified evidence of potentially positive effects for several pain conditions, including chronic pain and headaches, mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and PTSD, and wellness indicators such as insomnia. It has also shown effectiveness for weight control and smoking cessation.
Here at Ideal Health, we’re trying to get the word out to our Veterans in the community that there is another option available to them through the VA to help with problems related to their time in the service.
If you’re a Veteran, or know someone who is, and would like more information, please feel free to call or text our office at 763-441-0999.
More information can also be found through this link to the VA: https://www.va.gov/WHOLEHEALTH/professional-resources/Acupuncture.asp