Ideal Health Chiropractic | Elk River, MN Birth Boot Camp | Elk River, MN | Ideal Health Chiropractic Massage Therapist | Elk River, MN | Ideal Health

Birth Center or Home Birth Childbirth Class


Only about 2% of births happen out of the hospital. This puts you in a unique position and requires specific information to prepare for your birth. This 5-week class covers the stages of labor, dealing with pain, pushing and what to expect after birth. We discuss natural ways of handling pain, the importance of relaxation as the key to an unmedicated birth, and how your partner can make a difference in your birth experience. We also discuss transfer, epidurals, and cesarean sections in the event that medical assistance becomes necessary. This series will build knowledge and confidence for you and your partner to have an amazing birth! 

Price includes 5 in-person sessions and 40-page workbook. Each session is approximately 2.5 hours long.