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Ideal Health Chiropractic

Win-Win Deal

We have had the pleasure of serving the Elk River Minnesota area for almost 20 years and we love living and working in this growing town. Each year, we look for ways to give back to this wonderful community. When we do that, we like to make it a win-win for everyone! Or in this […]

ALERT: Coronavirus Germ Paranoia

Since most everybody wants to talk about the coronavirus, we thought we’d share our views. So let’s get into it. If we have a handful of apple seeds, and throw them into our adjusting room, will an apple tree grow there? Of course not. Why? There’s no soil, no nutrients, no water, not enough sun. […]

Why Cystic Fibrosis?

I’m sure you’ve seen our social media posts and emails about a special we’re running called Doctor’s With a Heart. It’s important for us to give back to the community that we serve. We have at least 3 events each year in which we donate to a charity. Past recipients have been Open Doors for […]

Back in the Game

About a year and a half ago, we began the long process of trying to figure out what was causing our youngest son, Nick, to have debilitating hip pain. Multiple MRIs, blood tests, consults with other chiropractors, functional medicine doctors, orthopedic surgeons and rheumatologists, lead us to the diagnosis of a stress fracture, tendinitis and […]