We are excited to publish a quarterly newsletter where we share with you upcoming events, health tips, and highlight supplements and supports. If you have any questions about our newsletter or if there’s a topic you’d like to learn more about, let us know!
IHC Blog
Spinal Columns – August 2024
Picking your Prenatal Wellness Team
If you are expecting a baby, then you probably have a lot on your mind. While it is the most natural thing in the world, having a baby has become an industry of products and recommendations; and you may be feeling a little overwhelmed with all the choices. Unfortunately, no one can make those choices […]
Spinal Columns – April 2024
We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter. And, don’t forget to register for Ladies Night!
Spinal Columns – December 2023
Check out our latest newsletter!
Quarterly Newsletter
We are excited to publish a quarterly newsletter where we share with you upcoming events, health tips, and highlight supplements and supports. If you have any questions about our newsletter or if there’s a topic you’d like to learn more about, just let us know!
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Acupuncture
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – CRPS – also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is a chronic progressive condition triggered by nerve injury and characterized by severe pain, inflammation, swelling and changes in the skin affecting arms, legs, hands or feet. Experts have yet to discover the cause of CRPS, but have learned that injury […]
Acupuncture for Women’s Health
The modern woman is pulled in different directions on a daily basis, whether it’s the demand of work, home, or school. Regardless of what today’s woman is capable of doing, her needs haven’t changed. She could benefit greatly from acupuncture to address the stress, emotional, and hormonal challenges. There’s a natural timeline women experience, from […]
Doctors with a Heart
In the month of February, we will be running a special called Doctors with a Heart. It’s important for us to give back to the community that we serve. We have at least 3 events each year in which we donate to a charity. Past recipients have been Open Doors for Youth, CAER Food Shelf, […]
Acupuncture and Muscle Strains
Strained, overworked muscles are, in up to 80% of cases, the leading cause of all acute and chronic back pain, especially in the lower back. Muscles create energy and are the indispensable providers of the mechanical leverage that moves bones. Muscles are always in need of sufficient blood circulation to supply energy for movement and […]